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Peeking at a Practice

This article provides instructions on how to view a practice from within your corporate login.

Updated over a week ago

If you need some assistance viewing one of your practice's Vetcove accounts from your corporate login, you've come to the right place! From your login, you have access to actually "peek" directly into any practice's Vetcove account.

This will provide you with the same exact account view that practices see when they're using Vetcove, so you'll see what that practice sees when they login to use their Vetcove account. You have the ability to "peek" into any practice within your assigned region.

How to Peek at a Practice

To peek at a practice, from your homepage scroll down underneath your regions to Hospital Locations. To find a specific practice, you may click on Filter hospital locations on the right side.

Once you've found the practice you're looking for, you may click on Peek on the right side!

This will then take you right into that practice's Vetcove account itself. From here, you may view and utilize their Vetcove account, just as if you were logged in as the practice directly. Below is an example of what it looks like! It will initially take you to the "Connect Suppliers" page where you can view and manage the connected vendor accounts for that practice. You may then navigate and visit the site as normal, from the hospital's perspective.

While you're peeking, you'll see a grey bar along the bottom indicating which practice you're currently viewing. To return to your regular corporate view, click on End Peek at the right end of the grey bar at the bottom.

Other Ways to View a Practice's Information

To learn how to view, manage, and edit practice information without peeking, please check out our Managing Your Clinics article!

Still need help? Send us a message in our Live Chat (the little blue icon in the bottom right corner of Vetcove) and our support team would be happy to help!


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