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Guide: Using Shopping Lists on Vetcove
Guide: Using Shopping Lists on Vetcove

Make Lists of the products that you frequently order to save time

Updated over 3 years ago

The Vetcove Lists feature is an improved version of what you might be using on some of your suppliers' websites. Lists enable you to group a bunch of items you typically order on a specific day of the week/month, or that you typically order together for a specific purpose (like a complex surgery).  Saving items to a List helps you remember what to order and makes re-ordering fast and easy since you don't have to search again for the items.  Best of all, Vetcove's List feature allows you to add items sold by any vendor, including distributors, compounding pharmacies, labs, and manufacturers! You can price check across vendors for all items in your List each time you order. You also have the option to import Lists you’ve already made on your vendor sites- just message one of our specialists in the Live Chat at the bottom right of the site!

Section 1: Accessing Your Lists on Vetcove

In the Vetcove navigation bar at the top of the page, you will click into the Shopping section to reveal a variety of menu options. The 'Shopping Lists' section will allow you to easily access your Vetcove created lists. Click in to "All Shopping Lists" to view all Lists you've currently saved on Vetcove. Each existing List will be displayed in the main pane on the page, and will also be listed on the left-hand column for easy access.

Vetcove has already provided you with three default Lists; "Previously Purchased", "Free Products", and "Resellable Products."  These three Lists are dynamic, meaning they are updated automatically by Vetcove as products match. The custom Lists you create, however, can only be updated by you.

Section 2: Creating a Shopping List

If you haven't created any custom Lists yet, it's easy!  You can create a new List from your "Lists" page, or from any Vetcove search results page. To create a new List from a Vetcove search results page, follow these steps:

  1. Perform a Vetcove search that includes the item you'd like to add to your List.  

  2. In an individual product listing for the item, locate and click on the Lists button.

  3. Type a name for the new List in the text entry box, and press the Create List button. This creates a new List, and adds the item to it as the first item in the List. This new List will now be available as an option anytime you click the Lists button on any product.

You can also create a new Lists from your "Lists" page.  To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Shopping--> Shopping Lists in the Vetcove header at the top of the page to view your Lists.

  2. In the left-hand column, you'll notice a blue button with the text Create New List followed by a "+" sign.  Click this button, and type the desired name for the List, to create it. The List will now appear on your Lists page and when you click the Lists button on a product, though it will start with zero (0) items in it.

Section 3: Adding & Removing Items from an Existing Shopping List

Adding an Item to an existing Shopping List

  1. Perform a Vetcove search that includes the item you'd like to add to your List.  

  2. In an individual product listing for the item, locate and click on the Lists button.

  3. Your existing Lists will appear in a tab that drops down from the product listing under the heading Shopping Lists. Click the existing List you'd like to add the item to. The gray circle with the "+" icon will turn into a green check mark to indicate that the item is in the List.

Removing an Item from an Existing Shopping List

  1. First, find the List for the product. This is most commonly done when viewing the items in an existing List, but can also be done by searching for the product.

  2. Click the List button on the item. If the item is in a List, there will be a green button with a white check mark next to the List(s) the item is in.

  3. Click the List you'd like to remove the item from. The check mark will now turn into a "+" and your item was removed from the List.

Section 4: Adding Products to Your Cart from a List

To view a List and add items to cart, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on Lists in the Vetcove header at the top of the page to view your Lists.

  2. Click on the List you'd like to view, either from the left-hand column, or from the main pane of the page. This will display a list of all items in the List, along with current pricing and in-stock status.

  3. Just like you're used to in Vetcove search, click the vendor you'd like to purchase from, and add to cart. Once you've added an item to cart, it will show diagonal gray bars to indicate you've already added the item.

  4. Continue to add all desired items to vendor carts.

Still have questions regarding Lists?

 Feel free to hit the chat icon at the bottom of your screen to speak directly with one of our team members!  

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