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How to use Vetcove Discussions

Create your anonymous identity and start chatting with Vetcove Discussions!

Updated over a week ago

We created Vetcove Discuss because we know how incredibly challenging it is to run (and support) a veterinary practice! There's so much that goes into acquiring and serving customers, managing a team, purchasing inventory, and keeping the practice profitable that it can sometimes necesitate using additional resources. 

For the first time, our community of veterinary purchasers and owners have a place to talk candidly about anything and everything related to this industry. We decided to make discussions completely anonymous, to encourage the type of honest and open discussion that exists nowhere else in the veterinary world. However, should you so choose to share your identity it is not against the rules whatsoever! 

Creating Your Anonymous Identity

Every Vetcove user has access to our discussion forums. After logging in to your Vetcove account, you can create your anonymous identity by first navigating to the "Discuss" tab in the navigation bar, then clicking on the "Settings" tab in the blue header. This will bring up a box where you can create your anonymous identity. Your identity will consist of an animal, a color, and a username, along with your credentials and state. Once you create your identity, it is unique to you.

Creating a Discussion

You can create a discussion at any time by clicking on the "New" or "Discuss" buttons in the blue header bar. Choose a title for your discussion that is a concise description for the discussion you wish to generate, pick a category that most closely aligns with your topic, then write the actual text of your discussion. Discussions can be anything: questions, information, links, gifs, pictures, and more! 

What types of information can you find on Discuss?

The sky's the limit! Commonly, hospitals inquire about or share information regarding

  • Specific hard to find products

  • Replacement parts and maintenance

  • Backorder and recall information

  • Inventory tips

  • Clinic resources

  • Workflow questions, funny stories, and more. 

If there is not an existing discussion containing the information you need, we encourage you to open up a dialogue! Vetcove also posts any new feature releases and industry news here as well as various types of fun contests that we periodically run.

Leaving a Comment

You can also comment on your discussions, or on discussions others have created by clicking on the box that says '"Join the Discussion", entering your comment, then clicking "Post Comment". 

You can reply to comments by clicking on "Reply" underneath the comment you would like to reply to. You can also upvote comments and discussions to give "Karma" to other users. You can see the users that have the most Karma in the setting tab. 

There are a variety of forums on the left hand column that you can visit if you're looking for specific types of discussions.

If you have any more questions about Discussions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via the chat button on your screen. Have fun! 

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