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Managing Multiple Users on Vetcove

How to create, remove, and manage multiple users on Vetcove

Updated over a week ago

Vetcove supports the ability to connect multiple users, each with a separate email and password to log in with, to the same Vetcove account.  

This feature enables you to add several purchasers, doctors, owners, or other staff members, each with different viewing and purchasing permissions! Each team member will be able to search the Vetcove catalog and participate in Vetcove Discussions (using their own unique anonymous discussion ID). Your admin Vetcove account will be able to create or delete accounts for colleagues, and to set permissions for all of the other accounts. The permission levels are:

Admin (we typically recommend for Veterinarians, Owners, & Practice/ Inventory Managers) - Can use all Vetcove features, and can add/delete users and modify user permissions.  Note that you can have more than one admin account at your organization, if you choose. 

Manager (we typically recommend for Lead Technicians) - Can use all Vetcove features, with the exception that they cannot manage the permissions of other users at your organization or claim Vetcove Rewards.

Purchaser (we typically recommend for LVT/RVT/CVT) -  Can view pricing, purchase history, and use Vetcove carts, but cannot view practice analytics, manage permissions of other users, or claim Vetcove Rewards.

Basic Access (we typically recommend for Receptionists)-  Can view pricing and purchase history, and modify or add items to carts, but cannot place orders, view practice analytics, manage permissions of other users, or claim Vetcove Rewards.

Restricted (we typically recommend for Sales Rep/ Territory Managers) - Can search the catalog and access Discussions, but cannot see pricing, purchase history, analytics, or view carts.

You will also have the ability to further customize each users' permissions beyond the initial permission level you select, overriding its defaults. Custom permissions may be edited at any time.

Adding a New Account

To begin, go to the Manage User Accounts page by clicking here, or by going to and clicking on the person icon in the top right corner of your screen. In the menu that appears, click on Account and Settings. In the menu on the left, click on Manage Users. From this page, you can add, remove, and adjust the permissions on your team's Vetcove accounts. 

To add a new user, click Add Colleague. Simply enter your colleague's name and email address in the fields provided, choose and customize their permission level, then click Invite User. We will automatically send an email to your new user welcoming them to Vetcove. Once they verify their email, they will be required to set a password for their account. Once the new user has verified his or her account, you will see a green check mark and the word "Active" next to their name on the Manage User Accounts page.

Edit Permissions

Primary Account holders have the ability to edit a user's permission at anytime. Simply select the Edit Permissions button next to the user you'd like to make changes to. You will then be able to add or remove any permission levels from that user's account.

Please note the Active box associated with each user:

Viewing the last active box will be helpful to determine if there are any users on your account that may no longer need access.

Everyone on the account will be able to view the last time other users accessed their clinic's account, regardless of what permission levels they hold. If you do not have the permissions to manage users, your view of this page will display the names of other users, along with their permission levels and when they were last active.

Removing Users from your Account

Primary Account holders can also remove users at any time by clicking on the Revoke button.  If one of your colleagues leaves the practice, just remove access with one click:

If you see a user on your account that should no longer have access to you clinic's account, and you do not have the permissions to remove them, please reach out to us in the live chat!

Still have questions about managing multiple users on Vetcove?

 Feel free to hit the chat icon at the bottom of your screen to speak directly with one of our team members!  

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