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How to create item notes

Learn how to leave notes on item listings

Updated over a week ago

Vetcove now offers the ability to leave notes and commentary on item listings. These notes are private to you (and your other users if you share a Vetcove account with multiple people placing orders).

This feature is helpful for denoting favorite items, item orders that should be placed on a certain schedule, or items that you wish for your practice to avoid.

To utilize this feature you may start by searching an item and then clicking on the "Notes" section of a given item listing:

Once you have clicked into the notes section of the listing, a text box will appear for you to enter your message. Simply click "Add New Note" once you have entered your desired message into the text field.

Your note will then appear above the item listing, as well as in the Notes section along with when the note was created and who created it.

You may add multiple notes to a listing, and may have multiple users in your practice leave notes as well.

This tool will help to minimize order mishaps and keep your team in the loop!

For further assistance, or if you have questions, please feel free to reach out to the Vetcove Team using our Live Chat or email

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