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Creating Item Receipts for Orders on Vetcove
Creating Item Receipts for Orders on Vetcove

Learn how to mark items as "Received" through an item receipt

Updated over a week ago

If required by your hospital group, or if you'd like to keep track of items that you receive in for housekeeping purposes, you can update the status of items for a given order on Vetcove by creating an item receipt. There are three ways to create an item receipt for your orders on Vetcove!

Creating Item Receipts from Order History

1) Find the Order in Question

The first option is to click into a given order from the Vetcove Order History page and select Create Item Receipt on the right side of the order's page:

2) Create Receipt

A window will then pop up asking if you'd like to upload a packing slip. Please note this is optional for most hospital groups! If this step is required by your hospital group, it will be noted as such. If a packing slip is not required by your hospital group, you may simply click on Create:

3) Adjust Quantity Received

You should then see a list of items displayed with the quantity ordered. Please adjust the 'Quantity Received' column for each item, to notate how many you have received at that point in time:

If a given item has been canceled from your order by the vendor and you no longer expect to receive it, please keep that item marked as not received! It is okay if your order is permanently marked as "Partially Received" in these cases.

4) Finalize your Receipt

Once you've correctly adjusted the Quantity Received column to mark off all items that have been received by your practice, you will want to finalize your receipt.

Please note that if you are still missing some items from your order that are expected in a separate shipment, once you finalize your first receipt, you will then be able to create additional subsequent receipts when the remaining products arrive!

The Finalize button can be found in the upper right corner of the item receipt:

Once finalized, if your practice is associated with a hospital group, your receipt will be sent along to your group for processing!

Creating Item Receipts from the Item Receipt Dashboard

The second way to create a new item receipt is from the Item Receipt dashboard which can be accessed from the header bar under Orders > Orders & Invoices > then "Item Receipts". Simply click on the "New Item Receipt" button in the upper right corner of this page:

From there, you may upload a packing slip image or PDF or enter an order PO #:

Once the receipt has been created, you may follow steps 1 - 3 from the section above!

View and Update Existing Item Receipts

View from Item Receipt Dashboard

Keep in mind that you can come back and update your item receipts at any time! You may access an item receipt by heading to your Item Receipt dashboard from Orders > Orders & Invoices > Item Receipts.

From the Item Receipt dashboard you may filter your item receipts by supplier, date, status, or item receipt number:

View from Order History

You may also access an item receipt by clicking into the desired order from the Order History page. Additionally, you may filter the Vetcove Order History page by receipt status, to view all orders that have no receipts, receipts that are in progress but not finalized, partially received items, and fully received items:

Editing a Receipt

If your receipt was finalized, but has not yet been sent to your hospital group, you may see the option to "Undo Finalization" if you need to make adjustments:

Once you click on Undo Finalization, you may need to give your page a quick refresh to be able to edit the quantity fields.

Deleting a Receipt

If you've accidentally created a receipt, you may simply select the Delete button in the upper right corner of the receipt:

Understanding Receipt Statuses

Please note that your orders will have different statuses displayed on Vetcove depending on the current state of the items in the order. These statuses will be displayed on the Vetcove order history page under the "Receipt Status" column and can be used to determine which orders have been fully received, and which orders may still require action.

  • "No Receipts": This status will label any orders with receivable items that do not have any receipts created.

  • "In Progress": This status will label any orders that have an existing but un-finalized receipt. Be sure to finalize your receipts once completed!

  • "Partially Received": This status will label any orders with at least 1 finalized receipt, and with remaining receivable items.

  • "Fully Received": This status will label any orders that are comprised of receivable items, that have all been fully received and finalized.

  • "Not Receivable": This status will label orders that have no receivable items. This includes orders that only have all backordered, cancelled, or returned items, as well as orders where all items have been marked as "not receivable".

  • "Incomplete": This status will label orders that have some items that have been received, and some items that are not receivable, whether they are backordered, cancelled, or marked as "not receivable".

If needed, you may filter your order history page by the statuses listed above. Simply click on "Filter" in the upper right corner of the order history page and select the desired status(es) in the "Filter Receipt Status" dropdown!

Still have questions about item receipts? Please reach out to the Vetcove support team via the live chat in the lower right corner of the site!

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