This guide will walk through the integration between Cubex and Vetcove. Once the Cubex integration is enabled, POs sent from Cubex will automatically populate on Vetcove in their own shopping list and within the shopping cart.
Step 1: Submit your PO on Cubex
If you have auto-generated POs within Cubex, those will send to Vetcove automatically on the same schedule! To view your automated POs, you can log in to Cubex and click Purchasing > Purchase Orders.
If you need additional items that were not included on your auto-PO, you can create a manual PO. Simply log in to Cubex and click on Purchasing > Create New PO to build a manual PO:
If you are creating a manual PO, please be sure to remove any items that were already included on your auto-PO.
Once your PO is built, you can submit it as usual and it will send to Vetcove!
Step 2: Review your Items on Vetcove
After a PO is submitted from the Cubex system, the items will be sent over to Vetcove and added to your Cubex shopping list! You can head to Shopping > All Shopping Lists > Cubex Items. This list will include all of the items sent over in the PO.
Be sure to refresh your page to see the new PO items on Vetcove!
Please review the Cubex Items list to ensure all of the items from your latest PO were added to the shopping list on Vetcove.
If there were any errors based on the SKUs received from Cubex, you'll see the following message at the top of your Cubex Items list:
If there is an error due to an incorrect SKU, please log into your Cubex account to find the SKU, and ensure it is up to date. You will receive an Error Report from Cubex via email as well. Once you've modified the SKU, please use the "X" to dismiss this SKU error on Vetcove!
If an item was not successfully added to your cart, you'll see the following message within your Cubex Items list so that you can manually add that item to cart:
To manually add an item to cart, select the vendor you'd like to purchase from on the right-hand side and click Add to Cart.
Removing Items from your List
If any items are included on a PO from Cubex that you do not actually need, you can remove them from your Vetcove Cubex Items shopping list! If you navigate to your list, you'll see the following Remove button available:
Before doing so, you'll be asked to confirm, as this action cannot be undone. Removing an item from your Vetcove Cubex Items shopping list will also remove the item from your PO in MyCubex.
Once you confirm, you can refresh your page in MyCubex and Vetcove to see that the item has been removed.
After reviewing all of the items on your Cubex Items list, you can navigate to your shopping carts on Vetcove. You will find the items added to your Cubex Items list will be automatically added to your cart, selecting the best price from each of your vendors!
Step 3: Place your Order
Based on the SKUs included in the PO sent from Cubex, the Vetcove system will select the items with the best price and they will populate with the desired quantity in your vendor carts here.
Vetcove factors in the item availability, your preferred suppliers, and the lowest price when selecting the vendor to order an item from. We will select the best price factoring in any backend vendor rebates that you receive as well.
Be sure to review the items added to your cart before placing your order. If you need to adjust the supplier once the items have been added to your cart, you can click Switch Supplier to do so:
You can click Proceed to Checkout on Vetcove and you will be prompted to place your order!
After your order has been placed on Vetcove, the items you ordered will be removed from your Cubex Items shopping list. Any items that you did not order, will remain on the list until you order them or until the expiration date passes.
Be sure to refresh your page to see the updated shopping list after ordering!
If you are not seeing an update sent from Cubex on your shopping list or in your shopping cart, be sure to refresh your page to pull in the latest updates!
If you need assistance while on Vetcove regarding the Cubex integration, you can use the live chat in the bottom right-hand corner to reach the Vetcove team!
If you need assistance while on Cubex, you can email