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Budget Tool FAQs
Updated over a week ago

What does the budget feature do?

The budgeting feature allows you to set a budget for your spending for a given month or week and track how much you’ve spent compared to that budget. Once you set a budget, you’ll be able to see progress visually from the budgets screen. From the header bar, just select Orders > Analytics & Reporting > click Budgets, or you can head here.

How do I set a monthly budget?

In order to set a monthly budget, click on Orders in your header bar, and select Budgets from the dropdown. From this screen, be sure that you've selected Monthly Budgets. You may then select the Manage Monthly Budgets button. Here you’ll be able to select a month and year combination to set a budget for. Simply select the month and year, enter a budget, and click Add Budget.

How do I set a weekly budget?

In order to set a weekly budget, click on Orders in your header bar, and select Budgets from the dropdown. From this screen, be sure that you've selected Weekly Budgets. You may then select the Manage Weekly Budgets button. Here you’ll be able to select a week and year combination to set a budget for. Simply select the week and year, enter a budget, and click Add Budget.

What information does the budget page provide?

Once you have either a monthly or weekly budget set up for your account, you may view your real-time spend for that budget, the amount remaining in your budget, and the percent of the budget that has been used. If you click on a given budget, you will be able to view a category breakdown of your budget, as well as the individual orders for that budget time period.

How do I clear a budget I’ve already set?

In order to set a budget, click on Orders in your header bar, and select Budgets from the dropdown. From this screen, select the Manage Budgets button. For any budget you have set that you’d like to delete, find it in the list of budgets below, and click the “X” next to that budget.

How do I remove an order from my budget?

From the Order History page you will want to click on the order you would like to remove from your budget. On the right side of the Order Details page you'll click on 'Actions' and then select 'Don't Include in Budget'.

How can I remove an item from my budget?

Find the item(s) you wish to exclude from your budget from the Order Details page. Under the 'In Budget' column you will see a green check mark indicating that this item is currently included in your budget. To exclude an item from your budget you'll want to hover over the green check mark and it will turn into a red "X". Click on the red "X" to remove the item from your budget.

Who can see my budget?

Only users with access to your practice's Vetcove account will be able to see your budget.

Can I add external purchases to my budget on Vetcove?

Yes! You can input “adjustments” to your Vetcove budget to account for orders placed with vendors outside of Vetcove. You can also use these adjustments to add credits or discounts that you receive that aren’t reflected in your order history.

Head to Orders > Budgets and you’ll see any existing budgets displayed will have an Adjustments column with an Edit button as seen here:

When you click to Edit under Adjustments, you can enter in any spend here along with the date and amount for that spend. Once you click Add it will be displayed and applied to that budget!

You can include both positive and negative spend amounts here. Once the adjustments are added, your Adjustment column will reflect the net amount of those adjustments.

You can click in to change or remove an adjustment once it has been applied:

Please note that all vendors that are supported on Vetcove are already included in your budget. Only add adjustments here for vendors that are not on Vetcove!

How should I determine my budget for the month or week?

This is totally up to you! Most commonly, hospitals will set budgets based on a percentage of the previous month’s sales. (Please note that if you are part of a corporate group, budgets may be determined by your corporate directly.)

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